One of the most important Roles and Benefits in the use of Information Technology (I.T) in early child's education is that it can help the child develop multiple skills and abilities. ICT is part of children’s world today and it is relevant in developing different types of skills children need in their lives. In this article some types of skills which children develop as a result of the use ICT will be identified and explained.
1. The Role of I.T in Education enhances learning for both Children, teachers and practitioners - Using I.T to learn involves utilizing the Internet to easily locate information or resources of any topic or subject in a very convenient way with the click of a button. Websites such as Google, Wikipedia, and Yahoo enable students to type in their query and get relevant results within a matter of seconds.
2. With the use of I.T in education, students learn to become effective and independent learners, gearing them for their future.
3. Instructors that make use of I.T can easily reflect on children’s learning ability and as well share their findings easily with parents and guardian – For instance teachers can be Taking digital photos, videos, or audio recordings of activities caried out in the school which can be shared to their parents or used in building viable portfolios of the children’s work, which can be used for evaluating the progress of the children’s learning and development.
4. Information Technology can be used for planning, administration, and information management in an educational institution.
5. Teachers / Instructors can use I.T to communicate or exchange ideas or information with other Teachers, parents, or even researchers – The use of videoconferencing, online discussion communities, or email, can be used to communicate with other practitioners, parents, or researchers, or to share news and information about what’s happening in the education center. Also, the use of telephones, email, or fax will help to keep in touch with parents who are not able to come to the education centre (e.g. parents who are at work during the day or parents who are not disposed enough or families in distant communities).
6. Students enjoy making use of computers or tablets to learn. Innovative programs that have been developed by top I.C.T Firms are used by teachers and students to prepare, post and submit assignments, exams online. This helps by reducing the use of paper hence saving cost. I.C.T in education also helps in seamless result checking online.
7. Teachers can upload quizzes, notes, or even feedback forms on such platforms (eg. ASKnLearn, google classroom). It is convenient for students to do their work on the computer as most students use the internet when they go home.
8. Using ICT in schools gives the students a great path to their future - by staying consistently relevant. By learning how to use the computer to do effective research, it puts the students a step up in the heavily competitive job sector. Since more companies are acquiring more technological devices to improve their services and productions, it is the students' job to learn how to use this up-to-date technology. And hence using I.T in Education is a great way to help the students.
9. Creative development – The use of I.T in education will help children to employ imaginative thinking thereby developing their creativity. For instance, this is the fact because children will play around with colors and graphics, dragging and dropping items onto the screen. Etc.
10. Mathematical development - Computers offer dynamic visual images that open up some areas of mathematical and quantitative reasoning development in children. The use of ICT has a great impact on how mathematics can be taught to children. The use of easy mathematical teaching software will encourage children. The programs will aid children and offer them opportunities to match shapes and carry out simple mathematical bonds as they play and learn at the same time. Computer graphics allow children to share mental images and patterns of structures. Counting images or icons on the home screen will assist in the development of early mathematical skills like numbers, shapes, size, quantity and patterns.
11. I.T Increases in confidence - ICT can be helpful and interesting if used in the right place and right way. Children under five have an uncanny knack of learning to master new technology. Children prefer to be left alone with things like smart phones, tablet computers, games consoles and use their intuition to confidently swipe screens and press buttons. Screens can be beneficial to learning and the more children are left to interact independently the more they develop in confidence. It is a fact that Kids who are interacting with the screen get better, much faster, make few mistakes and learn faster.
12. Social skills - In a child care setting where these resources are limited children develop social skills like sharing and team work as they do projects in groups. A lot of communication goes on as children work on their projects. They develop a sense of tolerating one another in all aspects of life.
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Published 3 Years Ago On Sunday, May 1, 2022