What is SSD Solid State Drive | How SSD Solid State Drive Is Different from Traditional Hard Drive HDD | Is Solid State Drive SSD Better than Hard Drive HDD

Written by: Destiny Idika

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Published 4 Years Ago On Sunday, October 24, 2021
Updated 3 Years Ago On Wednesday, April 20, 2022

SSD is a type of storage device that make of use of flash memory to read, write, and store data. This is in contrast to HDD storage device technology which consists of a moving arm and a rotating magnetic platters. This entails that SSDs have no moving parts.

While HDDs still dominate the data storage device market, technological advances over the past 30 years have made SDDs an increasingly appealing choice.



This section highlights some of major difference between SSD and HDD.

Speed is the most obvious benefit of an SSD, with a mid-range SSD delivering up to 10x faster read speeds and 20x faster write speeds than a mid-range HDD.SSDs are often used in operating systems for this reason, where simple tasks such as booting the system and transferring files are much quicker.

The moving arm in the HDD also contributes to slower speeds when the data stored on the HDD becomes fragmented.
The arm moves around the platter to retrieve data, but when the data becomes fragmented on the platter, the arm can no longer move in a singular motion to retrieve it.
This is not an issue for SSDs because they have no moving parts that read data. 

The lack of moving parts in the SSD also means that they tend to be more durable. HDD arms can easily be knocked while operating.

The lack of moving parts in an SSD also means they take up less space, emit less noise, and use less power than their HDD counterpart. HDDs still reign when it comes to storage capacity. Currently, consumer SSDs rarely exceed 2TB, whereas 5TB HDDs are commonplace in the general consumer market.
Since HDDs are slower than SSDs, keeping your most frequently used data on your SSD while keeping your HDD for less frequently used files will allow you to make the most of your storage space. For the casual user, the price difference between HDDs and SDDs might be the most significant differentiator.

Based purely on storage capacity, HDDs are cheaper than SDDs. More recently, however, the price difference between SSDs and HDDs is narrowing as manufacturing costs are becoming cheaper.

Choosing Storage for Your Individual Needs

Considering your storage needs and the costs involved will determine the kind of storage device that is best suited for you.

While SSDs won't entirely replace HDDs anytime soon, falling prices and technology improvements make them more affordable for the average consumer year by year.


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