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1. When you write client side code with Typescript, The browser does not understand it until it gets converted into Plain JavaScript. This process is known as Trans-piled.
2. Any code that is written in JavaScript can be converted to Typescript by just changing the extension from .js to .ts
1. TypesScript is a complete Object oriented programming language whereas JavaScript is a Scripting Language.
2. TypeScript has a feature known as Static typing also known as Strongly Typed but JavaScript does not have this feature.
3.TypeScript gives support for modules whereas JavaScript does not support modules.
4. Just like C#, TypeScript supports Interface but JavaScript does not have Interface feature.
1. Typescript is a Compilation based language, this makes debugging easy because it always points out the compilation errors at the time of development only. Because of this; at the run-time the chances of getting errors are very less whereas JavaScript is an interpreted language and the chances of getting errors at runtime is very high.
2. Typescript is a strongly-typed language also known as static typing. Being a strongly typed language allows the check for type correctness at compile time. This is not available in JavaScript (javascript handles this automatically at runtime).
3. Finally, Typescript is 99% JavaScript with some additional features.
One disadvantage of using Typescript is the time it takes to compile the code.Although to so many developers like myself, this is not significant. Hence in all aspect, Typescript is can be said to be better than pure JavaScript.
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Written by: Destiny Idika
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Published 4 Years Ago On Sunday, April 11, 2021
Updated 4 Years Ago On Friday, November 12, 2021